Youth Programs

Pre-K - 6th Grade Youth Group

Wednesday | 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Pre-K - 3rd Grade:
Kids R.O.C.K. is a hands-on evening where kids play games, experience science experiments, act out Bible stories, and have fun with friends all while learning how to be like Jesus!
4th - 6th Grade:
Unleashed is an evening full of having fun, making friends and becoming more like Jesus!  Kids will experience Scripture through games, hands-on activities, and small group discussion.


7th - 12th Grade Youth Group

Wednesday | 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Impact is focused on building relationships and spiritual formation through Bible study, activities, discussions and guest speakers. 

 Confirmation 2023

Confirmation 2023


"Christmas is Cancelled" Program put on by our Youth and Helpers.


Family nights are often evenings of fun activities, fellowship, and food.

Family fun night spent carving pumpkins and listening to the Pumpkin Parable.

Backpack blessings ... children packing backpacks for local school children who need food on the weekends.

Our 2022 Confirmation Class.

As part of the process of confirmation, students took an educational trip to Kansas City. On one of their visits, they visited this homeless camp.